Gustave Callebotte, Paris Street; Rainy Day, The World Essay

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Gustave Callebotte, Paris Street; Rainy Day, The World Essay Gustave Callebotte was the first impressionist that painted realistic, photo paintings. Callebotte was born in 1848, he was a French painter that was really influenced by impressionism. Mostly all of Callebotte's work was, oil on canvas style. He painted Paris Street; Rainy Day in 1877. Callebotte was one of the less known impressionist painter during his time and this time. He had to compete with such painters such …

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…and it actually started the impressionism period in matter of speaking. In a nutshell Gustave Cailebotte was one of the first impressionism painters that painted a realistic perspective. He was also friends, with the major impressionist painters in his country that set forward the impressionist period. Because Caillebotte painted in a different style that the others he was neglected and was never really famous until now. Where he is now appreciated for his impressionist art.