Gun control.

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Gun Control "38,000 people died from gunshot wounds in 1991 in the United States" (Huelsman 99). "The U.S. homicide rate is 8.4 percent per 100,000 people, which is twice that of France and Germany; four times the rate in Great Britain, and seven times higher than Japan's" (Huelsman 99). When people mention gun control, many things come to mind which include the second amendment rights, school shootings, the Brady law, and gun violence. All of these issues have prompted a …

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…and to me it is the most logical. Good citizens should be trusted. However, alcoholics, drug addicts, mentally challenged and criminals should not. The second amendment does not necessarily guarantee the right to own a gun in today's society. Things are much different as compared to 200 years ago. Owning a gun should be a privilege nowadays. In the end, supporters and opponents can be happy. If people are willing to compromise, things can get accomplished.