Gun Control

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Americans have been facing the growing problem of violence in the United States. Innocent people are effected everyday from murder, rapes, drive by shootings and robberies. More and more criminals are using guns to get their job done. These criminals need to be stopped and something needs to be done. Better gun control laws need to be made and some laws need to be thrown away. The answer to solving this problem is not eliminating …

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…and guns for self defense. If guns are outlawed criminals would find ways to kill, find or make guns, steal and rape. The real soulution is trying to reduce crime in America. It is obvious that gun control is a joke and does not do much. Americans must work together to reduce crime and avoid outlawing guns. Guns when used by responsible people are a great way to defend from others trying to due harm.