Greenhouse Effect

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
The greenhouse effect is when infrared rays are reflected to the earth's surface and are trapped by the atmosphere. The atmosphere is being destroyed and more of these rays are being trapped. Hence, the earth is getting warmer, and as the temperature on Earth rise, a lot of problems begin to occur. The greenhouse effect is good when it is in moderate conditions but when it exceeds more, then the effects will be disastrous. Here …

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…and also the living things on it. It's a problem which is growing every single day, caused by human's own actions, which in return would later distress us more. In order for this problem to be abridged, we must take matters into our own hands and stop things from becoming worst. The greenhouse effect cannot be tackled by a single person; it must be handled by all of us as it is a global problem.