Greek Ideals are Universal Ideals.

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The three main ideals of Greek Myth include Arete, Hospitality, and Hardwork. All these characteristics separately are noble for a person to attain but having all of them makes one somewhat Godlike. Because Gods living beyond the rules of mankind do not live by these ideals that they set forth for mankind to uphold. The eternal ideals become eternal truths which the characters of the story Odyssey realize at the end of their life and …

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…need to feel warmth and acceptance. Hardwork is the most individual ideal for it defines a person's self worth. The whole odyssey can be seen as the Odysseus personal journey for home to find himself and his son. He had to continue throughout all the hardships put forth by Poseidon, Athena, and Circe. Ideals are what define humans and contrast them with the Gods. Greek Ideals have a universal applicability that make them eternal truths.