Great Depression 6

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Essay Database > History
The great depression from 1929 and into the 1930's, is the period in modern times with the largest unemployment, and the highest frequencies of bankruptcies. But can one from this say that "the Great Depression" was a breakdown of capitalism? Or was it simply an economic low-point that had to follow the prosperous 20's? In the 1920's everything seemed to be running smoothly over the whole world. People had a good time and business prospered. Lots …

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…to get the countries up of the dump. This can be said to be a breakdown of capitalism to a certain extent, but can also be viewed as a strengthening and return to capitalism. It would take more than two-three years to breakdown a system that it had taken so long to build up. In many countries the Great Depression resulted in a big shift in public attitudes and in government policy towards welfare provision.