Grapes of Wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The migrant situation of the 1930’s as depicted in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath was caused by many diverse factors. It started with an extremely dreadful drought, known as the Dust Bowl, which swept through the mid-west. The gluttonous landowners and the multitudes of fliers that they passed out made the situation even worse. To top off all of that the nation was going through a terrible depression. At this time the whole nation was …

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…demonstrates the “I to We Theme” as well. “Pa said, ‘We’re thankful to you folks.’ ‘We’re proud to help to help,’ said Wilson.” (189) The creation of the migrant situation was a major part of the nation in the 1930’s. The drought killed their crops. The landowners treated them like bums. Yet the country was learning to band together to survive. It had many causes and was felt by the whole country. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**