Going to the Emergency Room? Get in Line Behind the Others

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The next time your son breaks his arm and must wait six hours to see a doctor in the emergency room, thank the government for the inadequacy of public insurance programs. There are 10 million uninsured children in the United States; 8 million of these uninsured children are eligible for Medicaid, a public health insurance program. This high number of uninsured children directly results from increases in the number of families lacking health insurance every year since 1987. …

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…insurance programs like Medicaid because they waste tax payer's valuable assets and rights to better resources. Nevertheless, these changes will not occur without pressure on the government. And without pressure on the government, work force productivity will remain low, emergency rooms will remain packed, and taxes will keep going to unnecessary places instead of being correctly allocated. Don't let the government take away your right to fast, efficient emergency care next time you need it.