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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Hanan Elaraby English 1 Period 6 03/09/04 Ms. Pryor What I want to do with my life? If someone asked you what do you plan to do with your life? What are your goals? What would you say to them? I think I have a good idea what you might say. "I don't know yet, I'll get back to you on that." or "who cares? I don't." but there are time when you do know what you want …

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…and dreams. And they want to make them happen. Lots of people take them seriously. They set goals for them selves. And that is a very good thing. Because when you set a goal or goals don't you plan to accomplish them or it. I mean what's the point of making a goal if you are not going to accomplish it. So think about it what goal(s) have you made and want to accomplish?