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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Introduction: 'Globalization' has become an increasingly influential example in the human science since the beginning of the 1990s. In fact it has in a very important sense been the successor to the debates on modernity and post modernity in the understanding of sociocultural change and as the central thematic for social theory. The concept of Globalization represents an important shift in transmuting this temporality into a framework.The term globalization captures elements of a widespread …

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…economy as full partners, and to tackle unemployment, which afflicts Arab countries as a group more seriously than any other developing region. Over the last 20 years, hydrocarbons have helped the ruling families of the Gulf consolidate and expand their political power. During the next 20 years, however, it is expected that competition from other global suppliers of oil and the economic pressure to continue developing the sector through privatization and denationalization will undermine this political power.