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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Globalization Globalization is a powerful and growing phenomenon, that no one can deny. It has a lot of meanings depending on which aspect you look at to define it. According to Dr. Huntington a professor of International Politics at Harvard and Chairman of Harvard's Institute for Strategic Planning, globalization is "the creation, storage and use of knowledge becomes the basic economic activity generating huge change" (qtd. in "The Man in the Baghdad Caf�"). I …

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…countries in different ways. But what concerns me is its effect on Egypt. A. The affect on the economy through the GATT. 1. Egypt is not prepared for a real competition, because it has been nationalized for a long time. B. The Islamic world can benefit from globalization, if they use it correctly. 1. Our GDP is 1.6 $ billion which is higher than other developing countries. 2. We have to play in the sectors that we can monopolize in.