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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
A country without globalization is basically a country that is self-sufficient. The only country in our lifetime that survived without the help of the First World Countries is Cuba. In other words the Bahamas cannot stand alone without the assistance of Global Marketing 'Globalization.' We heavily rely on assistance from various countries to provide most of our basic essential goods; we cannot produce on our own. The Bahamas has been engaging in a small …

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…will continue to import a large number of items to meet consumer demands. This creates a number of opportunities for foreign exporters. Major products for export to The Bahamas include data processing equipment, computers and electronic goods, hotel and restaurant equipment, automobile parts, some foods (meats and vegetables), and baby products. The Government welcomes opportunities for greater trade with The Bahamas, particularly those that increase exports from The Bahamas or reduce the country's import bill.