Global Warming.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Long-term observations confirm that our climate is now changing at a rapid rate. Over the 20th century, the average annual US temperature has risen by almost 1 F ( .6 C). There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. The science indicates that the warming in the 21st century will be significantly larger than in the 20th century. Human activities have altered the chemical composition of …

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…The Day After Tomorrow" shows an extreme example of rapid climate change: grapefruit-sized hail pummels Tokyo and Manhattan drowns in the ocean before freezing. Although the movie is fiction, global warming is very real. It is unlikely to happen overnight as in the movie, but we will still experience huge personal, economic and environmental losses. Luckily, we already have technologies available to start addressing this problem. We just need the will to start acting now.