Global Warming

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
The 20th century's 10 warmest years all occurred in the last 15 years of the century. The rising temperatures are expected to raise sea levels, change rainfall, and other climate conditions. Changing the climate could change forests, crops, and water supplies. It might affect our health, or the health of animals including possibly endangering species or making them become extinct. Entire ecosystems could be permanently changed. These could be the effects of global warming. <Tab/&…

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…global warming could be more hurricanes, and stronger ones if the oceans become warmer. Unfortunately while global warming poses real risks the nature of those risks remain uncertain. <Tab/>So what can you do? The actions include changes in your home, yard, and car. For additional information on how to make these changes contact the Consumer Federation of America Foundation in Washington, D.C. how to save money and the environment.