Global Warming

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Our world is the beginning and the end. Before humankind our Earth was healthy and its inhabitants did not have to worry about the ozone layer or Earth's temperature increasing. Now, along with our many everyday stresses, we have worries about our world heating up; also known as global warming. The sun and the cycle of the "greenhouse effect" is what keeps all of humankind living. The sun aides the weather, climate, and surface temperature …

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…of unnecessary chemicals into the air even by just using gel instead of aerosol hair spray, and using more electrical appliances rather than gas. It is the little things that will eventually help restore and make our Earth healthier. References Global Warming, (2003). Retrieved August 31, 2003, from the world Wide Web: Pennybacker, M. ( 2003, September/October). Global Warming. E Magazine: The Environmental Magazine, 14, 4. Soon, W., Baliunas, S., (2003). Global Warming. Progress in Physical Geography. 27(3), 448.