Global Warming

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Introduction Basically, all living things in the earth need heat to life. The earth's heat source is sun. In the other words, without the sun we cannot have life. Our earth has a blanket to keep the surface warm, which support the life in the earth. We call that blanket as atmosphere. Without atmosphere, the earth becomes cold. This process is known as greenhouse effect. But, nowadays the heat becomes our opponent, which is caused …

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…between the countries that affected to it. Some countries get benefit from global warming, while some countries get terrible harms. It depends on their geographical conditions. My point of view is that the best thing to do now is be prepared for global warming, by controlling the emitting of greenhouse gases. Don't just opposing debates about the truth of global warming. In the other words, don't just talk, however do something valuable for this world.