Global Warming

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
GLOBAL WARMING ASSIGNMENT #2: Impacts: 1.) MOUNTAINS -- With global warming, there could be a dramatic change in the mountains. The mountains cover close to 20% of the earths surfaces and provide many homes. Global warming would hurt the mountains and us extremely bad because we would lose essential resources such as timber, minerals, recreational escapes, and a significant portion of the freshwater. More changes would consist of a climate change that would affect mountain and lowland ecosystems, …

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…label. 2.) To use compact fluorescent light bulbs instead of regular modern lights. 3.) To use low-flow faucets in your shower and sinks. 4.) To use water-saving lavatories in place of toilets. 5.) To keep your hot water tank temperature at 120 degrees. 6.) To cut driving time to work. 7.) To put insulation on water heaters and all water pipes to reduce heat loss preventing extra energy to keep the heat. 8.) To utilize energy efficient mortgages and loans to save money.