Global Warming

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Today, the world is facing an environmental Global Warming. Many people around the world are trying to remind the others, and many smart people are trying to think how to stop it. Of course there are some others out there who say that global warming is imaginary, and they think that the earth is causing it, and that thing will not be permanent. But for now, we can see that global warming is real. We …

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…part by waking whenever we can instead of driving car, check all aerosol products before we buy them just to make sure they don't have CFC's, think about switching to a solar-powered or alcohol-run car, and inform our friends. More than twenties years the majority of climatologists have been working on this, so the people who are going to live the next 100 years still hope the earth will be the same as it is now.