Global Warming We need change to fix it.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
I think the statement: " The anticipated devastation due to global warming is so severe that all measures must be taken to reduce greenhouse gasses, no matter what the cost," is partly true yet false. First, I think that is it true because there is already devastation due to global warming and the anticipated devastation in the future is more severe than it already is. There were already 20,000 deaths last summer in Europe alone. Scientists from …

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…must be taken to reduce greenhouse gasses, no matter what the cost," is more true than false. Because no matter how unrealistic or hard it may be to cut the greenhouse gas levels to an amount that is needed to keep such disastrous things from happening (such as the melting of polar ice caps or 300,000 annual deaths), it still has to be done to prevent them. Although, in the future, they may not be prevented.