Geothermal Energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is one of the cleaner forms of energy now available in commercial quantities. The use of this alternative energy source, with low atmospheric emissions, has a beneficial effect on our environment by displacing more polluting fossil and nuclear fuels. Rapidly growing energy needs around the world will make geothermal energy exceedingly important in several developing countries. In the production of geothermal energy, wells are used to bring hot water or steam …

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…will serve the growing need for energy sources with low atmospheric emissions and proven environmental safety. Land use for geothermal wells, pipelines, and power plants is small compared to land use for other extractive energy sources such as oil, gas, coal, and nuclear. Low-temperature geothermal applications are usually no more disturbing of the environment than a normal water well. Geothermal development projects often coexist with agricultural land uses, including crop production or grazing. Prepared By