George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Essay Database > Literature
George Orwell's Animal Farm George Orwell's political fable, "Animal Farm", portrays a re-enactment of the Russian Revolution, with it's major characters cast as farm animals, and communism renamed "Animalism." True to the historical story, the aristocratic players manipulate the proletariat, deluding them with illusions of dignity and improved living conditions, while masterfully holding all of the power for themselves. As the story opens on Mr. Jones's farm, the farm animals are preparing to meet after …

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… his own bidding. As a result, Napoleon once again is drowned with power and pride because the animals must respect him, or they will be turned into corpses. In conclusion I believe the underlying message of the novel was that too much power can bring out the worst in us. Any amount of power can corrupt. Great or little power corrupts in a way that only seems natural to the instincts of an animal.