George Friderich Handel His Life and Music

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George Frideric Handel, certainly one of the founding fathers of music, introduced new types of music and affected the many composers who followed him. Handel was born on February 23, 1685 in Halle, a town in Germany. He was a very bright man not only was he a prodigy in music, but he also was trained in law. Handel played the organ, violin, harpsichord, and composed songs. His music influenced that of Mozart and maybe even Beethoven. …

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…advances in music helped pave the way for future composers as mentioned earlier. His talent in music was and still is certainly recognizable. Without his influence in music, we could be listening to a whole different style of music. Even though he wrote "Hallelujah Chorus" two hundred years ago, it still remains a popular piece of music to this day. This is why George Friderich Handel should be recognized as a founding father of music.