Genocide in Tibet

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Genocide in Tibet <Tab/>In October 7 1950, the Chinese government began the systematic genocide of the Tibetan people that resulted in the mass murder of nearly 1.2 million Tibetans. In this paper, I will examine that why did the Chineses slaughter Tibetans, argue why don't people do anything to stop the genocide and explore what effect does genocide have on the survivors. <Tab/>The Chinese slaughtered the Tibetan people …

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…The Tibetans are still under the control of Chinese, and still can get murder everyday if they against the Chineses. <Tab/>In conclusion, I think that the Chinese should let Tibetans be free, and let them live on their own land. The world should find out about this genocide, because there are not too many people know about this due to the covering of Chinese government. <Tab/>