Genocide in Cambodia

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Few events have ever conjured as much terror and hatred as the genocidal killings in Cambodia by the Khmer Rouge; more than 2 million people were shot, strangled, beheaded, starved or tortured to death in the 20th century. The United States, when monitoring human rights violations such as genocide, should play essential roles in abolishing these law-breaking habits, establish a clear understanding of repercussions, and provide social and finical aid for the rebuilding of a distressed …

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… tried to abolish human rights violations and they donated financial and social aid to Cambodia. In the end as I said earlier in the end no one wins, and some how a ray of good shines through and prevails over the bad thus. I also feel that the world should take more to governments that are contemplating genocide to reach imperialism. Cambodia went and is going through hardship but in the end will prevail.