Genocide Over the Centuries

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Essay Database > History > World History
Millions of innocent people have lost their lives. It has happened all over the world to many different kinds of people; from Bangladeshis to Jews and from Armenians to the Hutu. Many circumstances affect the final out come of the great loss of people, from revolution to colonization to an ethnically diverse society. People are persuaded to do such brutal actions. Several actions have been taken to prevent genocide and the rise of another Hitler. …

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…the crimes that the world has seen inflicted on millions of people, and will the actions taken deter future such actions of genocide? (Howard Ball, page 96-97) Genocide, the cruelty shown by one group against another group. The worst crime to occur throughout human history. Fifteen million innocent lives were lost alone after the holocaust, only fifty years. The crime has been inevitable since ancient times, and until this day most genocides are not avoided.