Genetic engineering

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Ever since 1800 BC, people have been using organisms to create new and different foods. Mankind has made much progress since then, incorporating new and different plant traits into everyday foods. These changes make new improvements in the food we eat. Corn is one of the most common staple foods, used in everything from cereal to chips. It is an important food, which can be made to produce an important amino acid, lysine. With altering of …

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…of solving lysine deficiencies without genetic engineering is eating meats, nuts and dairy products. This may seem like a simple, natural, solution, but not all places in the world have well-rounded diets. Genetic engineering is a way to incorporate many traits into one kind of plant. This is a plus because food can become a good source of many nutrients. Genetic engineering research should continue to help solve many of the world's problems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**