Genetic Engineering

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
- Clear, well thought out Genetic Engineering "Discuss the applications and techniques involved in genetic engineering. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this approach." Genetic engineering is an umbrella term that can cover a wide range of ways of changing the genetic material -- the DNA code -- in a living organism. This code contains all the information, stored in a long chain chemical molecule, which determines the nature of the organism. Apart from identical twins, …

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…does not allow genetic manipulation in human embryos. Lack of knowledge does keep scientists wary of what they are doing in human genetics. However, their caution is somewhat less with other animals. Genetic engineering has and will undoubtedly provide the means to help mankind. But we must consider whether it is socially or ethically desirable. Along with technology must go an ethical evaluation. Early trials with growth enhanced pigs revealed disastrous side-effects for the animals.