Genetic Engineering

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Genetic Engineering In today's world, people are learning a great deal in the rapidly growing fields of science and technology. Almost every day, you see or hear about a new discovery or advance in these fields of study. One very common and controversial topic in the news and social talk of many people recently is what us, as human beings, will be able to do through the development of genetic engineering. Many people are wondering …

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…push of a button however, that doesn't make it ethical just because its there! WORKS CITED D'Allegro, Joseph. "Genetics is the future of medicine." Dec. 20, 1999. 3/16/00. Fischer, Joannie Schrof. "Copies upon copies A patent for human clones is just the next step." U.S. News and World Report. Feb. 7, 2000. 3/16/00. Ramsay, Sarah. "Embryo splitting produces primate clone." Lancett Ltd. 1/15/00. 3/16/00.