Genetic Engineering

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Human genetic engineering has the key to ending international conflict and suffering. With the ability to genetically enhance the minds of the future generations, this will bring about better leaders and thinkers. These minds would be able to help all countries find new economic stability, as well as a strong government that would bring peace to the world. Genetic engineering can bring many different benefits for human kind for numerous reasons. It can be used …

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…therapies. This is one of the many examples of how genetic engineering can help treat and cure diseases. Genes and artificial chromosomes can also be inserted into embryos in a process known as germ-line gene therapy. This could be used to cure genetic disorders, including behavioral disorders such as schizophrenia, or to insert genes which enhance intelligence or athletic performance after birth. The benefits of these genetic changes would be passed on to later generations.