Gehtto Dances

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
For four years I have been at this school and within those four years, I have yet to attend a dance that I could call anything but "ghetto." In fact, people from other schools are kind of petrified to attend Tilghman dances because they are so "ghetto." Teenagers dream of the perfect dances, but at Tilghman the dances are far from perfect. So why is it that the dances aren't always the dances of our …

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…maker car wash, I am talking about the bigger fundraisers. I am sure that everyone would be more than happy to donate their time and money to make their homecoming and proms the dances of their dreams. These dances are supposed to be special and the memories are supposed to stay with us for our entire lives. So, lets not have anymore of those dances that other schools like to classify as "Tilghman ghetto dances."