Games today, too violent?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Memorandum Introduction Ever since its advance, there has been a popular turn towards the electricity-powered hype known as "video" - motion imaging. As technology grew more and more advanced, electronics began its introduction to the American population at an earlier age. Consequentially, as violent outbreaks and incidents amongst younger people occur, a connection is made between these violent events and the violent videos and media that children have so become fond of (1). As electronic media …

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…Online Reference Center, July 3rd, 2003. Works Cited 1.)Funk 2.)Kushner 3.)Kushner 4.)Kushner 5.)Kushner 6.)Kushner 7.)Kushner 8.),, 9.)Kushner 10.)Vogel 11.)"Video battlers" 12.)Vogel 13.)"Oregon girl" 14.)"Oregon girl" 15.)Vogel 16.)"Video battlers" 17.)"Video battlers" 18.)Vogel 19.)"Video battlers" 20.)Fischoff 21.) 22.) 23.)"Video battlers" 24.)"Oregon Girl" 25.)"Video battlers" 26.)Vogel 27.)Vogel