Functions of Public Relations: PR fuctions and roles within to major global companies Wal-Mart and Toys "R" Us.

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Functions of PR: Wal-Mart and Toys"R"Us <Tab/>Public Relations is a vital part of a comprehensive marketing program. Every company, whether large or small, should have a PR group in place for unanticipated moments. PR should also be used on a regular basis and partnered with other marketing and advertising essentials. Great Public Relations can add power to the overall company image. When major magazines write about a particular …

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…relations were not top priorities there is no doubt that they would not be as successful as they are. PR plays a key role in an organization's promotional strategy. The result of an effective public relations strategy is to generate additional revenue through greater awareness and information for the products and services an organization offers. PR is powerful and it is the most cost effective of all promotional activities, and sometimes it comes for free.