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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Frankenstein In Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly's Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein is rescued from the ocean by Captain Robert Walton and his crew. Walton was a lonely man writing to his sister about how lonely he feels out in the ocean and that he would really like to have a friend. Walton becomes deeply intrigued by Frankenstein's story and the creature that he created. Walton seems very happy to give Frankenstein his undivided attention because he has made …

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…he is going through, he makes a profound statement. When he said that Justine died and rested, but he lived, he wanted Walton to believe that he wishes he was dead and not Justine. However, really he was trying to say that by his mistake Justine was resting, and that was good, but he is the one who has to suffer. He is trying to make us think that he is the only one suffering.