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Essay Database > Literature > English
Morality has been questioned, honored, and followed by people since the beginning of time. Yet even today, no two people can completely agree on what is morally right and wrong; it is a matter of opinion. It was Dr. Victor Frankenstein's initial opinion that it was moral to give life to an inanimate corpse, creating the monster of the novel. However, Frankenstein's creation soon required a companion. Knowing that his first creation was evil, Frankenstein …

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…the second monster were created Frankenstein's family would be saved. However, by the same token the rest of the world could be forced to bow before two hideous monsters. The problem of making or not making the second monster played heavily on Frankenstein's mind, possibly causing his brief lapse into the realm of the insane. Even though Frankenstein began his work for the good of man, his experiment ended up hurting himself and his family.