Food chain

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
A food chain is an idea developed by a scientist named Charles Elton in 1927. He described the way plants get energy from sunlight, plant-eating animals get their energy from eating plants, and meat-eating animals get their energy from eating other animals. The idea of a chain means that all these animals are linked together, so anything that affects one link in the chain affects everything in the chain. ]The key concept that we need to …

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…in an aerobic environment, and the breakdown of materials more complete. Organic matter breakdown is substantially slower and less complete in anaerobic environments. It also results in the accumulation of undegraded organic matter in the form of peat, organic soils, and highly organic sediments. In conclusion, there is no waste in a properly functioning natural food chain. Everything once living or alive will be consumed by decomposers at some time and returned to inorganic form.