Focus on your goals

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Charting a course of action is key to developing a career plan Having a personal career plan is essential to surviving the merger, acquisition and spin-off activity present in today's workplace. What may be good for the business or your employer may--or may not--be good for you. How do you know if you are where you need to be now? The answer can be found in evaluating your career plan, your blueprint for action (see "…

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…to know how to play the game," adds Williams. "The key to managing your career is focus, focus, focus," says Urell. "[Williams] made all the right moves. She stuck to her goals. Simply knowing what you want and not letting anything steer you away from your goal is key." When you focus on your end, you are headed in a direction that you have determined--and not one someone else has decided for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**