Fiscal and Monetary Policies

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Introduction Fiscal and monetary policies focus on quickly returning the economy to sustainable, healthy growth. Any type of fiscal relief package will boost consumer and business spending and can augment the nation's long-term growth potential. Expansionary monetary policy can stimulate growth and provide insurance against the possibility of deflation. Both fiscal and monetary policies affect aggregate demand. But because discretionary fiscal policy changes in the U.S. are often difficult to enact in a timely …

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…decide against further investment and growth. The government may have the money to build new highways but the truckers cannot afford trucks to use on them. The governments needs will "crowd out" business needs and in my opinion, turns potential assets into waste. The dollar amount of the debt above may increase but so does the amount of money or GDP to pay for the debt. Seems like the deficit could be run without cost.