Fiddler on the Roof

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
FIddler on the roof DAY 1 THEME - THE JEWISH COMMUNITY 1. Name 5 symbols of Judaism which you saw in the first few moments of this film. The five symbols that I saw in the first few moments of this film are the Stars of David, the menorah, the image of the torah, ark of covenant, and the tallit. 2. Describe what life was like for a poor Jewish peasant in the turn of the century Russia. What …

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…incidences in the past (against the black). THe cause of Anti-Semitism was basically the different ultimate power that differ from the one that Judaism believes in. Back into the time, people in a country usually honored only one god, and the belief of other higher power were refer to be the enemies of the religion. So Anti-Semitism was done by the Christians to the Jewish in the film, because of their different belief in God.