Feminism and legal theory

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Feminism Definition: Feminism comprises a range of philosophical, political, social and literary projects and attitudes united only by the commitment to take seriously the distinctive experiences of women. It aims to challenge patriarchy: the traditional idea of feminism's engagement with male oppression in a patriarchal society. Also to link women's experiences in the private sphere with recognition in the public sphere Feminism can also be defined as the self conscious creation and vindication of representations …

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…- which would indicate how feminist perspectives are not having much of an impact on law as even in rape men are getting away with things and women are fearing reporting rape because of the consequences. This all draws up[o how feminist perspectives are also still not widely accepted as even under the Equal Pay Act 1970 women are still largely under paid compare to men. The theories are not actually working. Whatever you Wanadoo