Feminism: Equality and Freedom

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Feminism: Equality and Freedom What is feminism? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines feminism as "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes and organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests." The definition sounds simple enough. Yet, the history of feminist movements is far from simple. Actually, it can be very confusing. First there were the three major movements: Liberal, Socialist and Radical, each with its own definition. In time, smaller …

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…to accept maleness as more appropriate than femaleness. Nevertheless, what is most important, is that we understand that the answer to our problems, trading our liberation for tainted equality will never solve the solution to our oppression in which the entire race becomes more male. Freedom is bigger than men and women, male and female, and if the heart of feminism is about freedom, as it has always been, then its definition should reflect this.