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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The idea of women's liberation was begun simply because of sex-role differentiation in society, if the positions of men and women had been reversed, there's no doubt men would have been forced to start their own movement, but it was women who were the oppressed, and men the oppressors. Feminism emerged in western countries at similar times. Women's liberation groups emerged as early as 1929, when the Association of Women was formed (Curthoys 1992). Many such unions …

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…primarily the media, church and school. Also severe negative consequences for homosexual relationships have been utilised to deter such relationships, witch-hunts, male control of the law, and of course, what more is to be expected from a male dominated world. The emotional relationship for a man with a woman, is very important, more-so than men's are for women, so imagine if the majority of women engaged intimately with other women, where would that leave men?