Favorite place I have ever been (or want to go) and why?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Feelings, memories, and thoughts... All these things come into my mind like a storm as I ask myself about the favorite place I have ever been to. Still, I don't find the answer. The universe is so big, that it's impossible to know which place is the one, which perfectly fits to the soul and to the body. Maybe, somewhere in the future, the best places will come up as the worst ones; and it …

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…the garden there is a swing; that swing is for me. Evening sun lightens it tenderly with its last strength and there is no one around; not a single person. There I feel the most protected, most loved; loved by God. While I sit on my swing I talk to Him and He helps me. God helps me not to fall down from the swing, which sometimes goes too fast...as fast as my life.