Fast Food

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Nowdays, the fast food industry is covering the whole world. We, are blinded by the ads and commercials, so we eat, we enjoy eating, and we eat again. We are brainwashed. "OK, it is delicious, but can't you see what it's doing to your body?" You are getting fat!!! Oh my god!!! Many people think this kind of food just make you a bit heavier, and continue eating. They will answer you by saying it's …

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…portions of french fries or hamburgers. They like the chemicals that make the food taste better, and they eat again. They eat bigger portions everytime they eat. Like every other thing, eating a lot of fast food is something personal. If a person can think rationally, then they shoul decide what they want to do with thier body. Scientists have prooved that fast food is unhealthy. But if you want to eat, it's your life.