Fast Food

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
July 14, 2002 Rough Draft Fast Food Having a "fast-food" appetite all the time is not an ideal way to maintain a healthy diet. People need their vitamins, minerals and proteins by eating a variety of different kinds of foods. Most "fast-food" restaurants do not offer fruits and vegetables and most people that love "fast-food" lack getting those nutrients. People need to understand that it is not a healthy source to help you stay fit and to …

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…By going to the grocery store you can save a whole lot of money. You can buy a whole meal there for the price of about $30.00, and I'm talking about a healthy meal like: chicken breasts, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and even a dessert. Besides, when you cook a meal, you know the exact ingredients that goes inside, so that way you do not have to check your food before you eat it.