False Happiness

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Essay Database > Literature > English
False Happiness Aldous Huxley states that if there were no disease, no physical or mental pain the world would be stable, and everything would be perfect and run smoothly. With inventions such as soma, and conditioning along with preventing any instability, they know the world of Utopia to be perfect. When something seems perfect, understanding the reason behind it, is sometimes difficult. False impressions are used to make the people believe they are happy. A …

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…there were many flaws. Soma Holidays, all the conditioning, and not having the ability to think for yourself, doesn't really make people happy, they were made, and trained to be happy. The world of Utopia is much different from our vision of a perfect world. A world without disease, pain ,and war would be great, but the brain washing , drugs, and not being able to love anyone would make for a sad state of mind.