Fahrenheit 451 and Antigone Comparison

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Would you go against a law or rule to do what's- in your opinion- is morally right, even if it meant your life? Guy Montag and Antigone believed that their own personal morals were more important than any law or decree. Guy Montag from Fahrenheit 451 went against the government by trying to get books back into circulation because he believed that books were not a bad thing. Antigone went against Creon's decree which explained that …

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…receive. Other examples of people being led by their hearts are Martin Luther King Jr., and Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. So, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you don't know whether you should just go along with everything or stand up and fight it, listen to what your heart tells you and don't worry about what might come in the end because you know you're doing the right thing.