Fahrenheit 451 3

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Color Tracing When an author writes a quality piece of work, he or she puts a lot of effort into his or her writing in attempt to convey the inner theme or motif of the work to the reader. To do this writers usually use literary devices such as irony, characterization, and diction. A writer's diction or choice of words is usually expressed in patterns which can be traced throughout the work by color tracing. …

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…of not only her, but the surrounding world. And when Montag learns of the past and escapes the brainwashing, he has less excitement and joy with his profession, which is classified as red. By using color tracing and following these patterns one can decide a theme, which in this novel is don't always do what people say or do, but instead do what is right. "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way."