"Fahrenheit 451" and Guy Montag.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Essay about Guy Montag Throughout the book Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag changes from a relatively "typical" fireman who follows the laws of his society into a person who challenges the laws and eventually becomes an "outcast". In the book Clarisse McClellan, the 17-years old girl, questions Montag about his life now and the life he has always lived. Near the start of the book Clarisse asks Montag "are you happy" (10), a question that makes him admit …

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…Mildred, marriage and the society he lives in. Montag has now changed from being a "happy" man, to an aware, thinking, and analyzing human being totally different from the society his lives in. Although Montag have had his fights throughout the book, it seems to me, that the right place for Montag to be was the forrest, where he ended after running, as Faber tolled him to do, when the Mechanical Hound was after him.