FDRs Running For a third Term

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FDR's Running for a third term When you first start thinking about Franklin Delano Roosevelt you might think of the New Deal, fireside chats, or possibly the United States role in World War II. Throughout Roosevelt's Rein as president, he has had to make many decisions possible more than any other president before or after him. Simply because no other president has been in office for more than two terms, except of course for FDR. …

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…thought they could win in a third election and weren't burnt out from already serving eight years then they wouldn't even hesitate. Bibliography Roosevelt: The Lion and The Fox James MacGregor Burns Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, INC. New York 1956 The American Heritage Pictorial History of Presidents of the United States American Heritage Publishing CO., INC Private Plans and Public Dangers Bernard F. Donahoe University of Notre Dame Press 1965 The Presidency Richard M. Pious Allyn and Bacon 1996