Expose the multiple contradictions and mistakes of the Cold War players.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Historical Analysis : The Cold War In 1945 the second world war was over, over 45 million humans had been slaughtered, Germany was divided in two, Europe was in ruins. The Soviet Union expanded westwards and engulfed independent republics. Using its large armies in Europe to put pressure on the western Allies, the Soviet Union put in place many pro-Stalin regimes (like in Poland and in Czechoslovakia). An "iron curtain" was hung over Eastern Europe and the USSR. …

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…freedom" it will certainly spread dictatorships, and when a country fights to spread "equality" it will surely spread exploitation and injustice. During this period of time, humanity barely escaped from nuclear annihilation, trillions of dollars were wasted (although some were used in space research so it could be considered as one of the few good faces of this war). People learned that an Ideology could hardly be enforced when fighting or contradicted itslef by fighting.